The block will have Wife lifted, giving you access to the prisoner with the key to the blue gate back on the catwalks. Kill the plant, hit the trigger, and move two screens to the left. Look for the trigger hidden under the killer plant just below this ledge. In the Sand levels, watch for tow- these that turn into rock monsters. There's not a lot of intrusive music, which is a plus, but then again, there's no speech either, which might've intensified the drama. The sounds are equally fantastic, with plenty of foreboding music and sound effects. Your character looks very much like the rest of the Androthi (who all look like they're from the Fabio fan club), but he's detailed enough that his shotgun-pumping motion looks realistic. The enemies and guards are all splendidly illustrated and humorous in their actions (they chuckle with sinister glee when they shoot you). You'll have to increase the brightness on your TV to really appreciate the cool backgrounds. The graphics in Blackthorne are 3D: dismal, dark, and detailed.
Watch for door triggers on the floor, like this one beneath the plants at the beginning of the second stage.Controlling the various armaments is quick and effective. Laser Field Generators and take out guards. Aim a Wasp Bomb through the small open hole just to the left of this Laser Shield Generator.